Sustainability strategy and the SDGs
Navantia is an organisation that places sustainability among its priorities; we want to build a greener and more inclusive future and, to this end, one of our reference frameworks is the 2030 Agenda through the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
The sustainability strategy seeks to apply ESG policies transversally in all the company's business areas, and is made up of 4 pillars (Governance, Environment, People and Social Action) from which a series of initiatives, policies and programmes are developed in order to join forces to meet the SDGs and their targets. Depending on their nature, each of these pillars has a greater or lesser impact on each of the 17 SDGs, as set out below.
One of the pillars of our strategy is to promote green energy projects. An example of this is the launch of Seanergies in 2022, which is expected to be consolidated from 2025 onwards. |
Sustainability is a transversal axis throughout Navantia's business model. In this line, the benchmark definition of sustainable ships or the definition of ESG requirements in our supply chain is proposed as an objective. |
Navantia has an ambitious waste management plan, and our objective is to reach the highest waste recovery threshold, keeping us in the Zero Waste category. To achieve this, the company is implementing circular economy, eco-design and recycling models. |
At Navantia, we have created a plan to achieve 55% decarbonisation by 2030 and 100% by 2040. This is in addition to other objectives such as the launch of Green Public Procurement by 2022, achieving sustainable mobility between 2030 and 2040 and significantly reducing electricity consumption. |
Our commitment to the conservation of biodiversity and the marine environment is another pillar of our strategy. The aim is to continue promoting the Navantia ecosystem project and to launch a range of ecosystem services in the coming years. |
The health, safety and well-being of our employees is a priority. Consequently, at Navantia we aim to lower accident rates, promote mental health and ensure healthy working environments for our people. among others. |
Education is one of the foundations for ensuring equal opportunities, as well as for understanding and promoting sustainable development. Thus, we train all our staff in issues related to sustainability. We also have an action plan in educational centres to promote inclusion and equal opportunities. |
Ensuring equal opportunities and reducing the gender gap in the Spanish shipbuilding sector is a priority for Navantia. For this reason, we have incorporated programmes to increase the number of women in the company in all spheres of responsibility and management bodies. |
We strive to promote inclusive and sustainable economic growth, employment and decent work for all. Our aim is to be an agile and flexible organisation, to enter the Top 100 employees and to guarantee equal opportunities. To this end, new working methodologies are being implemented, social inclusion programmes are being promoted and a value proposition for staff is being developed. |
At Navantia, we are committed to increasing the incorporation of people with disabilities, providing employment opportunities for older people and guaranteeing equality. |
Technological innovation, together with sustainability, are the two axes that mark the future of Navantia. Consequently, we are working to build a resilient, sustainable and innovative industry. A clear example of this is the introduction of ESG criteria for our suppliers. |
Navantia associates the present and the future with sustainability, working transversally with all the axes of our business model. In this line, we implement ESG governance models, we value and include the risks associated with climate change and we use metrics to compare our ESG policies with recognized Benchmarks. |
The construction of efficient and transparent institutions, as promoted by our business policies, is a priority for Navantia, as well as the fight against any form of corruption and respect for human rights. |