What is Navantia's Ethics Channel?

Navantia’s Ethics Channel is a communication channel for employees, suppliers, agents, business partners and other third parties linked to the company to make us aware of any events, conduct or incidents that might be an infringement of the law (criminal or administrative, serious or very serious) or of the actions set out in Navantia’s Business Code of Conduct.

With this channel, Navantia complies with the provisions of Act 2/2023, of 20 February, regulating the protection of people who report on regulatory violations and anti-corruption.

Reports can be submitted anonymously or you may choose to identify yourself. In either case, Navantia guarantees the confidentiality of the informant’s identity and any third party mentioned in the report, and of the actions taken in managing and handling the report, as well as the protection of data, preventing unauthorised personnel from accessing them.

This channel is also available to receive queries and questions regarding the application of the company’s internal rules and procedures for Regulatory Compliance.

For this purpose, Navantia provides the following forms:

Reporting Form

If you wish to file a report through our webpage, you can fill in the following form

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    Do you wish to be identified?*

    First and last name / Company Name*



    What is your relationship to Navantia?*

    Provide as detailed a description as possible of the events you would like to report. Please order the description chronologically and provide any information that could be relevant to the investigation of the events reported.*

    Identify the place or places in which the events reported took place or are taking place.*

    Describe the moment or period of time during which the events reported have taken place.*

    Identify the person or persons involved in your report and their roles, as well as the business areas of Navantia affected.*

    While maintaining your anonymity and bearing in mind that your cooperation may be essential for the successful outcome of the investigation of the complaint, as well as acknowledging receipt and keeping you informed of the resolution of the process, would you please provide us with a means of contacting you?*

    Choose how you would like us to communicate with you.*

    If you have any files or documents that can support your query, you can upload them below
    If you have several files to upload, we recommend compressing them in a zip file

    Query Form

    If you wish to submit a query through our webpage, you can fill in the following form

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      First and last name / Company Name*



      What is your relationship to Navantia?*

      Identify the general nature of your query and provide all the details related with it that might be relevant to examine and resolve the query*

      Choose how you would like us to communicate with you*

      If you have any files or documents that can support your query, you can upload them below
      If you have several files to upload, we recommend compressing them in a zip file

      You can also choose any of the following channels:

      1. Written communications:
        • By post:
          Navantia, S.A., S.M.E. (Compliance Direction)
          Calle Velázquez 132
          28006, Madrid
      2. Verbal communications:
        • Ethics hotline: +34 810 513 626

      For more information, please view the Navantia’s Ethics Channel Policy.