Our SDGs

Goals and Navantia's contribution to each of the SDGs

Life below water
Target 14.2: Management of marine and coastal ecosystems.
Target 14.5: Conservation of coastal and marine areas.
Goals | KPI | What are we doing?? |
Social volunteering | % employed in volunteering |
Navantia Ecosystem |
Gender equality
Target 5.5: Ensure women's full participation and equal opportunities.
Goal 5.a: Ensure equal rights to economic resources.
Target 5.c: Adopt policies and laws for equality and empowerment.
Goals | KPI | What are we doing? |
Increase % women in the workforce | % women in the workforce |
30% women in A and B posts | % women in A and B posts |
40% women in A and B posts | % women in A and B posts |
40% women in CDC | % women CDC |
Partnerships with universities to attract talent | TBD |
STEM schools action plan | TBD |
Decent work and economic growth
Target 8.2: Raise productivity through diversification, technology and innovation.
Target 8.8: Protection of labor rights and safe work.
Target 8.9: Achieve full employment and decent work.
Target 8.9: Promote sustainable tourism.
Goals | KPI | What are we doing? |
Creation of employee value proposition | Proposal created |
>40% Graduates | % Graduates |
100% competence/training matrix | Matrix created |
>50% Graduates | % Graduates |
Flexible Organisation | # agile teams |
Entering the top 100 employees | Ranking position |
Increase % of women in the workforce | % women in the workforce |
20-25% staff <35 years old | % people <35 years old |
30-35% staff <40 years old | % people <40 years old |
10% accident rate | Accident rate |
Embedding KPI leadership with security | Defined KPI |
FRAS free paint schemes (H350, H318, etc.) | # paintings without FRAS |
Promotion of Navantia's heritage culture | TBD |
Navantia Naval Museum Network | TBD |
Industry, innovation and infrastructure
Target 9.4: Modernization of infrastructure, clean technology.
Goals | KPI | What are we doing? |
Eco design strategy | Sustainable ship design |
Sustainable centres | Water and energy consumption / h |
Climate action
Target 13.1: Strengthen resilience and adaptation.
Target 13.2: Mainstream climate change into national policies, strategies and plans.
Target 13.3: Improve environmental education and awareness.
Goals | KPI | What are we doing? |
Sustainable centres |
Sustainability Observatory | ESG Observatory created |
Decarbonisation plan | Detailed decarbonisation plan |
Definition of the EV business development plan | % decarbonisation blue carbon |
55% decarbonisation (scope 1&2) | % GHG decarbonisation |
100% decarbonisation (scope 1&2) | % GHG decarbonisation |
Navantia Ecosystem | # Ha and reforested ecosystems |
Communication plan and definition of the channel and frequency of dialogue with stakeholders | TBD |
Sustainability reporting automation with SAP PaPM | TBD |
Develop and implement ESG governance model | TBD |
Updating the risk model, including ESG risks | TBD |
Create and incorporate ESG criteria in orders and as part of the evaluation criteria | TBD |
Responsible consumption and production
Target 12.1: Implementation of sustainable consumption and production framework.
Target 12.2: Achieve efficient use of natural resources.
Target 12.6: Adoption of sustainable practices in enterprises.
Target 12.7: Sustainable public procurement.
Goals | KPI | What are we doing? |
Zero Waste | % waste to landfill |
Decarbonisation plan | Detailed decarbonisation plan |
Launch of Green Public Procurement | Detailed green purchasing plan |
Transfer of requirements to the supply chain | % of suppliers with commitment |
55% decarbonisation (scope 1&2) | % GHG decarbonisation |
100% decarbonisation (scope 1&2) | % GHG decarbonisation |
Navantia Ecosystem | # Ha and reforested ecosystems |
Biodiversity and business | TBD |
Adapt NFIAs according to future regulations | TBD |
Create and incorporate ESG criteria in orders and as part of the evaluation criteria | TBD |
Affordable and clean energy
Target 7.2: Increase renewable energy.
Goals | KPI | What are we doing? |
Consolidation of EV business line | Revenues, € |
Sustainable mobility | T employee transport |
Partnerships for the Goals
Target 17.3: Mobilization of additional financial resources.
Target 17.16: Enhance the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development.
Target 17.17: Encourage public private partnerships.
Target 17.19: Promote indicators that go beyond GDP.
Goals | KPI | What are we doing? |
Partnerships with universities to attract talent | % decarbonisation blue carbon |
Collaboration with the local community | TBD |
Automation of sustainability reporting with SAP PaPM | TBD |
Methodology and measurement of the social impact of all ESG actions undertaken | TBD | |
Incorporate measurement of ESG levels based on external agency rating | TBD |
Peace, justice and strong institutions
Target 16.6: Building effective and transparent institutions.
Target 16.7: Promote citizen participation.
Goals | KPI | What are we doing? |
Definition of the EV business development plan | % decarbonisation blue carbon |
Collaboration with the local community | TBD |
Adapt EINF according to future regulations | TBD |
Communication plan and definition of the channel and frequency of dialogue with stakeholders | TBD |
Definition of Navantia's human rights policy and its value chain | TBD |
Incorporate measurement of ESG levels based on external agency rating | TBD |
Life on land
Target 15.1: Ensure the conservation and sustainable use of ecosystems.
Target 15.2: Sustainable forest management.
Target 15.5: Action against biodiversity degradation and loss.
Goals | KPI | What are we doing? |
Navantia Ecosystem | # Ha and reforested ecosystems |
Biodiversity and business | TBD |
Quality Education
Target 4.4: Increasing employability skills.
Target 4.5: Elimination of Gender Disparity and Vulnerable Groups.
Target 4.7: Promote global education for sustainable development.
Goals | KPI | What are we doing? |
Sustainable centres | % employees aware of initiatives |
30% women in A and B posts | % women in A and B posts |
40% women in CDC | % women in CDC |
Partnerships with universities to attract talent | TBD |
Action plan for educational centres | TBD |
Good health and well-being
Target 3.4: Reduce non communicable diseases and mental health.
Target 3.6: Reduction of road accidents.
Target 3.9: Reduce deaths from chemical contamination and pollution.
Goals | KPI | What are we doing? |
Creation of employee value proposition | Proposal created |
10% accident rate | Accident rate |
Mental health promotion | Survey results |
FRAS free paint schemes (H350, H318, etc.) | # paintings without FRAS |
No poverty
Target 1.3: Implementation of social protection systems.
Goals | KPI | What are we doing? |
Social volunteering | % employed in volunteering |
Commitment 0 food waste | Kg of food wasted |
Zero hunger
Target 2.2: End all forms of malnutrition
Goals | KPI | What are we doing? |
Commitment 0 food waste | Kg of food wasted |
Clean water and sanitation
Target 6.4: Increase efficient use of water resources (freshwater abstraction)
Goals | KPI | What are we doing? |
Sustainable centres | Water and energy consumption / h |
Reduced inequalities
Target 10.2: Promote social and political inclusion. Target 10.3: Ensure equality of opportunity. Target 10.4: Adopt fiscal, wage and social protection policies.
Goals | KPI | What are we doing? |
Increase % of women in the workforce | % women in the workforce |
20 25% staff <35 years old | % people <35 years old |
30 35% staff < 40 years old | % people <40 years old |
30% women in A and B posts | % women in A and B posts |
40% women in A and B posts | % women in A and B posts |
Incorporation of people with disabilities | % people with disabilities |
Social volunteering | % employed in volunteering |
Collaboration with the local community | TBD |
Sustainable cities and communities
Target 11.4: Protection of cultural and natural heritage.
Goals | KPI | What are we doing? |
Promotion of Navantia's heritage culture | TBD |
Navantia Naval Museum Network | TBD |