In the current context, where society is immersed in what is now accepted as being the Fourth Industrial Revolution, experts from the Administration, companies (including Navantia) and educational institutions have joined forces to progress towards the goal of getting the labour market to adapt to the technology challenges.
This forum has been organised by El Economista, in collaboration with Siemens. Those present have explored the need for everybody to collaborate to make sure Training 5.0 becomes a reality that responds to the needs of an increasingly digitalised labour market.
Tamara Codón, Director of Development & Change Management participated on behalf of Navantia. She mentioned that Navantia is looking for professionals whose capabilities are not only acquired through learning, but who are also able to adapt, are willing to learn and are highly skilled. “All in all, people who are not only trained to accomplish what we are doing now but are also prepared for the future”.
Regarding Navantia as a 4.0 Shipyard, she stated that “for us it is an element of competitiveness and positioning in the market, creating qualified employment and collaborating with many bodies. Digital transformation as a whole is an essential element in our strategic plan”.
Other matters that were dealt with during the meeting were the large gap between genders where STEM professions are concerned, in the sense that only 13% of the students are women, according to a report published by the Organisation of Ibero-American States (OEI). To close this gap, Navantia encourages attracting women to embark on these types of careers, for example by getting our female engineers to give talks in schools and colleges.
Apart from Navantia, the following persons participated in the meeting: the Secretary General for Professional Training (Ministry of Education and Vocational Training); the Secretary General for Education and Professional Training (Autonomous Region of Galicia), plus experts from the Madrid Polytechnic University; Siemens; CEPSA; the School of Architecture, Engineering & Design (European University of Madrid); Festo Iberia and Accenture.
Look here to find the news about this forum published by El Economista.