Navantia has fully associated itself with the Luxembourg Declaration, undertaking to adhere to the basic principles of promotion health at work in managing the well-being of its workforce, as well as continuing to comply with its occupational risk prevention obligations.
The Luxembourg Declaration is a consensus document drawn up by the European Network For Workplace Health Promotion (ENWHP). It establishes basic operational principles and a reference framework for the proper management of employee health at the company.
This alignment continues Navantia’s January 2019 pledge, ‘Your health comes first’. Organisations which are aligned to the Luxembourg Declaration:
Undertake to implement the principles contained within it and to disseminate them to all their employees.
Are willing to share and promote their knowledge and good practice in the field of workplace health promotion (WHP) with other companies.
‘Healthy Workers in Healthy Workplaces’ is the motto of the ENWHP, a network of national occupational health and safety institutions and public health organisations committed to developing and promoting good workplace health practices as a way of actively contributing to sustainable economic and social development in Europe.
A company’s future depends largely on its staff being well prepared, motivated and healthy. Workplace health promotion (WHP) plays an key role in preparing and equipping workers and organisations to cope with these changes.
Four areas of influence:
Physical environment: disabled mobility, road safety, space conditioning, healthy vending, working environment…
Mental environment: mindfulness, happiness, relaxation, communication routes…
Health resources: health monitoring, health promotion, primary prevention, vaccinations, National Health Service campaigns, ….
Contribution to the community: teleworking, work-life balance, equality, standardising use of new technologies, carbon footprint reduction
Aside from raising awareness among Navantia employees to improve the care and quality of their health, these initiatives also serve to instil this knowledge in their social environment (family, friends, groups, etc.).
This alignment reinforces Navantia’s commitment to the sustainable development goals adopted by the United Nations, which Navantia has pledged to follow. Specifically, SDG 3, Health and Well-Being, one of Navantia’s priorities, which seeks to promote and protect the health and safety at work of Navantia staff and their environment, by raising awareness of the benefits of good health and leading a healthy lifestyle.
As stated in the Luxembourg Declaration, in order to achieve these objectives, all staff must be engaged (participation). It’s not simply a task for the Human Resources, Environmental or Occupational Health and Safety departments, but rather every level of the company must be involved:
Promotion of Health at Work must be taken into account in all significant decisions and across every area of the organisation (integration).
All measures and programmes must be geared towards problem solving: needs analysis, prioritising, planning, implementation, monitoring and ongoing evaluations (management project).
Promotion of Health at Work must include measures aimed at the individual and the environment across various fields; combining risk control strategies with the development of health protection and enhancing factors (comprehensive).