Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure


Promote inclusive and sustainable industrialisation, boosting the industry’s contribution to employment and gross domestic product, as well as improving the sector’s technological capabilities by promoting innovation wherever Navantia is engaged.


Promote inclusive and sustainable industrialisation, increasing contribution to employment and GDP.

Modernise factories in accordance with the investments contained in the Strategic Plan, promoting the adoption of clean and environmentally rational industrial technologies and processes.

Strengthen scientific research and improve the sector’s technological capacity in all areas where the company is engaged.


Navantia is a technology company committed to innovation throughout the value chain. Innovation is the main driver of economic growth towards new business models, enhancing competitiveness in existing business lines. As such, it dedicates resources to research, development and innovation in order to anticipate and respond to new technological challenges in a context of global competition and an ever-changing, increasingly complex environment.

The Shipyard 4.0 project sees Navantia modernising its operation centres to integrate them into the new Digital Ecosystem.

Navantia’s innovation model is based around open and collaborative technological knowledge and includes a technological transition process by which R&D results are incorporated into new programmes. In order to maintain investment levels in R & D+i, Navantia relies on collaborative agreements with leading universities and technology centres in Spain.

As part of the innovation model, there should be special focus on the ‘Shipyard 4.0’ project, devised to improve processes and tools throughout the value chain and to act as a driver in the renewal of production centres and their integration into the new Digital Ecosystem.

As part of the innovation model, there should be special focus on the ‘Shipyard 4.0’ project, devised to improve processes and tools throughout the value chain and to act as a driver in the renewal of production centres and their integration into the new Digital Ecosystem.


+ € 1.254 billion impact on GDP - 0.9% of Spain’s industrial GDP total.

4 Chair programmes established with universities (Cadiz, A Coruña, Cartagena Polytechnic and Madrid Polytechnic).