Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions


Working directly with national governments, international organisations and clients to develop solutions that help make the world a safer place.


Working directly with national governments, international organisations and clients to develop solutions that help make the world a safer place.

Achieving the best national and international standards for good governance.

Commitment to approving and implementing the new corporate governance system in 2020.

Supporting and respecting the protection of fundamental human rights within the company’s sphere of influence and encouraging cross-border development initiatives. Commitment to approving a respect for human rights policy by 2020.


As a strategically significant company in national security terms, Navantia provides the industrial and technological capabilities required to satisfy the Government’s essential interests in Defence and Security and is therefore in direct collaboration with administrations.

The company’s Corporate Code of Conduct is the centre around which the conduct standards followed throughout Navantia’s business are built.

The principles of corporate conduct set out in the Code are legal compliance, protection of health and physical integrity, proper conduct in international markets, integrity and objectivity in business, environmental protection, use and safeguarding of information, respect for people and efficient and quality management.

The company also has a robust and comprehensive crime prevention system, the Navantia Crime Prevention Compliance Manual, in order to manage any identified criminal risk-factors. The Compliance Committee is responsible for promoting and coordinating the implementation, supervision, monitoring and control of Navantia’s Code of Conduct and Crime Prevention and Anti-Corruption Compliance Systems.


+5,700 approved suppliers in 2020

+ 80 due diligence reports completed by the Compliance Committee on agents and business allies in 2020.

+600 due diligence reports performed on suppliers in 2020 (including new candidates and renewals).