Oil Tankers
Between 2015 and 2019, Navantia assembled four Suezmax-type oil tankers for Ondimar Transportes Marítimos LDA (a shipping company owned by Grupo Ibaizabal). Its outstanding dimensions are 156,000 deadweight tons, 274 meters long, 48 meters wide and 20,144 tons of steel.
On this occasion, the model called ‘material kit’ was used for the construction of the ships. This basically means that the design and materials were progressively shipped to Spain by the Korean shipyard DSME. Navantia was responsible for the assembly and testing of the units. In fact, this is a suitable collaboration model for highly standardized designs. Navantia currently offers this service for the manufacture of naval products, so all material kits would be sent to an associated shipyard in a third country.
Thus, in the 1990s, Navantia also shuttle tankers for shipping companies such as Navion and Knutsen.