Equality and gender policies
C/Velázquez, 132 - 28006 MADRID (Madrid)
(+34) 913 358 400
[email protected]
[email protected]
Article 6.1.c) of GDPR: Processing necessary for compliance with a legal obligation to which the controller is subject:
- Organic Law 3/2007, of March 22, for the effective equality of women and men.
- Royal Decree-law 6/2019, of March 1, on urgent measures to guarantee equal treatment and opportunities between women and men in employment and occupation.
- Royal Decree 901/2020, of October 13, which regulates equality plans and their registration and amends Royal Decree 713/2010, of May 28, on the registration and deposit of collective labor agreements and agreements.
(*) Foreigner identification number, passport number or residence card number.
- Courts of Justice.
- Security forces.
- Spanish state-owned industrial holding company (SEPI).
- Other public authorities with jurisdiction in these matters.