Cobra Wind International Ltd, subsidiary of “Cobra Instalaciones y Servicios” has awarded the JV partners Navantia-Windar the award of 5 offshore wind floating foundations, for assembly and delivery at the Navantia Fene yard in Spain, where the construction of one similar unit for Windfloat Atlantic is being carried out.
The 5 units shall be installed at the Kinkardine offshore wind farm, situated approximately 15 kilometers southeast of Aberdeen in the UK, and shall be provided with 9,5 MW turbines.
Construction works shall start in May 2019 with the plate cutting and forming at Windar premises in Avilés, and will continue at the factory of Fene with the fabrication of the remaining components and assembly of the units until April 2020. The workload is estimated in 1.250.000 man hours for the production of approximately 15.000 t of steel.
With this project, Navantia-Windar consolidate its position as market leader in floating foundations, having constructed 5 spar-type units for the Hwind project (Statoil, UK), and one unit for Windfloat Atlantic (Windplus, Portugal)