Collaborating company (Social Security)

Management of personal data related to the declaration, through the Social Security electronic window, of the information required regarding the management of personal and economic resources for the treatment of work accidents and occupational diseases in the centers of Ferrol, Cartagena, San Fernando, and Puerto Real. It includes the management/request of the BONNUS through the PIDO balance, as well as the annual balance of self-insurance expenses.
Entity in charge
C/Velázquez, 132 - 28006 MADRID (Madrid)
(+34) 913 358 400
[email protected]
[email protected]
Base de licitud
The legal bases for processing are:

Article 6.1(b) of GDPR: Processing is necessary for the performance of a contract to which the data subject is a party or in order to take steps at the request of the data subject prior to entering into a contract.

Article 6.1(c) of GDPR: Processing is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation to which the controller is subject:

- Law 31/1995, of November 8, on the Prevention of Occupational Risks.
- Royal Decree 1299/2006, of November 10, on the table of occupational diseases of Social Security.
- Royal Decree 231/2017, of March 10, on the voluntary collaboration of companies in the management of Social Security.

In certain occasions, processing may be based on Article 6.1(a) of GDPR.

In the case of special categories, the legal basis is Article 9.2(b) of GDPR: Processing is necessary for the purposes of carrying out the obligations and exercising specific rights of the controller or of the data subject in the field of employment law.
terms for data retention
Data will be stored for the time necessary to comply with the purpose for which they were collected and to determine the possible liabilities that could derive from that purpose and data processing. The provisions of the file and documentation regulations applicable to Navantia will apply.
Affected groups
Employees of Navantia.
Data type - Infringement
Data not processed.
Data types - Special categories
Health and disability (injuries or diseases).
Data type - Identification data
Name and surname; NIF*.
(*) NIE, Passport, or Residence card number.
Data type - Other
Data not processed.
Security measures
The security measures applied correspond to those in Schedule II (Security Measures) of Royal Decree 3/2010, of 8 January, regulating the National Security Scheme for Electronic Administration, and described in the documents forming part of Navantia's data protection and information security policy. Security measures corresponding to Schedule A of UNE-EN/IEC 27001 - Information Security Management Systems.
Security measure
Additionally, security measures are adopted for paper-based documentation according to the risks to which they are exposed, in order to ensure the confidentiality of the processed data.
Communications are foreseen when data can be communicated in accordance with Article 6 of GDPR, in relation to authorised processing of:

- External entities in charge of managing work accidents (MATEPS).
- Labor inspection.
- Labor and health authority.
- Courts and Tribunals.
International transfers
Not foreseen.